Entrance exams to a music college or college

So the graduation parties died down, for each former schoolchildren it was a hot time - you need to decide what to do next. I decided to write about the entrance exams to the music school, so to speak, to share my impressions. Suddenly, someone needs to read before entering something like that to calm them down.

To begin with, before the exams about a week in the school, consultations are held on absolutely all disciplines that you have to pass, and even before these consultations you need to submit documents for admission to the admissions office in order not to be a “burdock”. However, we will not be distracted by these trifles - you yourself will understand documents.

So, a week before the examinations in the school, consultations are held - such things are not recommended to be missed, since consultations are necessary so that the teachers can directly tell you what they want from you in the upcoming exam. Consultations are usually conducted by the same teachers who will then take your exams - therefore, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with them in advance.

By the way, you can get to know them before, if you first go through the preparatory course at the school. About this and many other things, for example, about how to enter a school without having a music school behind you - read the article "How to enter a music school?".

What exams do I need to take?

This question you, of course, have already figured out previously? Not? Ugliness! This must be done first! Just in case about the exams, let's say the following. Usually you need to take this:

  1. specialty (execution of the program according to the requirements - to sing, play or conduct several pre-learned works);
  2. colloquium (that is, an interview on the issues of the chosen profession);
  3. musical diploma (it is given in writing - to build intervals, chords, etc. and verbally - to tell the topic proposed in the ticket, to answer the questions of the examiner);
  4. solfeggio (also given both in writing and verbally: in writing - dictation, verbally - to sing a musical piece from the sheet, separate chords, intervals, etc., and also to recognize them by ear);
  5. musical literature (this exam is not all, but only those who are going to enter the department of musical theory);
  6. piano (program execution, this exam is not all - only theorists and conductors).

These are the main special exams that affect the rating of the applicant, as they are scored (no matter what scale - five-point, ten-point or hundred-point). The sum of your points is your ticket to the students.

About how to prepare for exams in music literacy - will be a separate conversation, but for now you can read about how to write dictations on solfeggio.

Plus exams in Russian language and literature

In addition to these four (someone five) main exams, everyone needs to pass mandatory examinations in Russian language and literature. In the Russian language can be a dictation, presentation or test. In literature, as a rule, a test or an oral exam (the recitation of poems from the list, the answer to a question about the school program, proposed in the ticket).

However, just then you can put your USE certificate (if you have passed the USE), and your red certificate with fives on the admissions office’s table - you see, and you will be relieved of these examinations. These items are not profiling, so they are given only a credit, not rating points.

Yes ... many will say that right a bunch of exams. Indeed, the entrance tests in a creative university or KPS more than in technical. This is due, firstly, to the specifics of the profession, and, secondly, to the relative ease of passing such tests. For example, if you enter the Physical and Technical Institute, then physics should be thoroughly known, and here, at the entrance exams to the music school, only the most elementary things are asked of you, because everything is still only ahead.

Something important! Receipt and passport!

When you hand over your documents to the admissions office, you will be given a receipt for receiving the documents - this is a document confirming your admission to the entrance tests, so do not lose it and do not forget at home. For any exam you need to come with a passport and this very receipt!

What else to bring to the exam? This moment is always discussed at the consultations. For example, you should have your own pencil and eraser on the solfeggio dictation, but you will be given a note paper.

How are the entrance exams?

I remember when I passed - I came in an hour and a half before the exam - as it turned out, it was in vain: the guard let the people on schedule on presentation of documents. Hence the conclusion - come about 15 minutes before the start, not earlier, but just do not be late. If you are late for the exam, you may be allowed to pass it with another group, but to do this we will say directly hemorrhoids. Read the rules, it is possible that those who did not show up for the exam without a valid excuse put up a “bad” and they drop out of the competition. Therefore, be careful here. But, I repeat, it is not necessary to come in an hour and a half - in order not to tickle your nerves once again.

Entrance examinations in the music school in the specialty are as follows. In a separate classroom or hall, students are auditioned in a certain order (the order is according to the filing date of the documents). They go to the audition one by one, the rest at this time are located in specially designated classes - there you can also change clothes, as well as warm up a little, play and sing, if necessary.

The rest of the exams are taken by the whole group (or some part of it). Dictation on solfege lasts about half an hour. They also come to the oral exams with the whole group, sort out the tickets and prepare (about 20 minutes), they answer - individually, for the instrument.

At the exam in the specialty or piano, you can dress up (show your artistry). For the rest of the exams you can come in free form, but only within reason. Let's say jeans are appropriate, but not shorts and not sports uniforms.

What students are waiting for teachers?

Studying at a music school is different from studying at a school or university by the nature of the relationship between students and teachers. For example, it would be unusual for you to have individual tuition, which also involves personal communication between a student and a teacher. This is a very valuable experience, but you must tune in to it.

What is required of you? Openness and interpersonal skills, in some cases - artistry, as well as your inner consent to work together. Try to cultivate wonderful spiritual qualities in yourself, do not be annoyed over trifles, be attentive to the people around you, and calmly and kindly accept professional criticism.

And further! You are a creative person. In your life should appear, if they do not already exist, such attributes of a creative person as favorite books or favorite artists, and also friends from related fields of art (artists, writers, journalists, dancers and dancers, young dramatic actors).

Watch the video: Ace Your Exams and Get Admission in Your Desired College or University Subliminal (March 2025).

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