Which synthesizer to choose?

Millions of people around the world are addicted to playing the synthesizer: someone is professional, someone just as an amateur. Most of the performers have already bought the instrument of their dreams, and they can certainly tell you how to choose the right synthesizer, but how to act in this situation for a beginner or a person who is just going to make music is the question.

Let's try to make a detailed instruction for those who go to the music store for synthesizers. To begin with, let's see what are the types of electronic keyboard instruments like synthesizers (that is, many different instruments synthesizing in themselves)? Conventionally, they are divided into 4 types:

  1. For newbies. Their main characteristic is the small size and small range (only 4-5 octaves). In such a synthesizer, there is a minimal set of accompaniment styles and sounds.
  2. Semi-professional. The range of such an instrument ranges from 5 to 8 octaves. The keyboard is dynamic here, which means that the force you use to press a key is proportional to the strength of the sound.
  3. For professional performers. The program of such keys amateur will not understand easy. Using them, you can process, mix, digitize and, of course, record your work.
  4. MIDI keyboard. In essence, this is a musical mouse for your computer. It allows you to manage virtual keyboards on your computer.

Digital pianos are a separate topic for conversation. Playing them almost completely imitates playing the ordinary piano.

What technical specifications should you pay attention to when buying?

Shop consultants should not ask general questions, such as which synthesizer to choose, it’s better to ask them for specific characteristics of the instrument that you like, and while reading the product description, check these things:

  1. Polyphonic capabilities or the maximum number of sounds together (up to 64). With this, everything is fine with most modern instruments, but be sure to check the availability of this function if you choose a children's or toy synthesizer (children like these toys). On them, the possibility of simultaneous sounding of several sounds may be limited. In principle, there are probably no such models now, but it is necessary to check it.
  2. The presence of the auto-accompaniment function, that is, the instrument itself loses the specified accompaniment batch. The function is very interesting and everyone likes it, you need to check it on cheap and children's synthesizers.
  3. The number of auto accompaniment styles (disco, latino, rock, etc.). Usually a specific number is indicated in the description (for example, 234). But, as a rule, this indicator does not mean anything. Styles are often poorly programmed - and music in their design can sound disgusting. It is better to ask the consultant to demonstrate several styles (10 pieces) and to evaluate the primitive - like or dislike.
  4. The number of voice effects and timbres of musical instruments. A wide range of interesting sounds will greatly enhance the possibilities of your performance. Again, it must be noted that quantity is not identical with quality. You need to play a few timbres, and if they sound somehow unnatural (for example, the timbre of a violin is emphasized sharp or the timbre of a guitar is too blurred), then it is better not to take such a synthesizer.
  5. Keyboard characteristics: the number of keys, their sensitivity (the higher, the better the speed of pressing) and the degree of hardness. There are static and dynamic keyboards - the difference between them is serious, but it all depends on your preferences. It’s better for a novice to take a tool with a static keyboard (the volume of the sound does not depend on the strength of keystrokes). On some synthesizers, it is possible to switch keyboard functions (i.e., both options are possible). But what you should always pay attention to is the weight of the key, its shape and size. The larger and heavier the keys, the better (but the more expensive the tool). The best option is if the weight of the key shape is the same as that of acoustic pianos and grand pianos.
  6. The presence of connectors for connecting the synthesizer to the equipment, headphones or computer. Connecting headphones will allow you to make music in the evening and at night, without disturbing anyone. Computer integration will allow you to download additional styles, timbres, tutorials and extract the recordings made.
  7. Built-in sampler for recording and processing sound. The function is interesting, but by no means obligatory, since the recording made in this way is not of high quality.

What are the main manufacturers of synthesizers?

Are you new to the game on the keys? And you do not know which synthesizer to choose, so that the menu is clear, and the control is intuitive? Consider the tools of the company Roland. When buying a synthesizer from this company, you will see that all the key functions seem to be created especially for you! The simplest control, training programs, excellent and high-quality sound are just some of the characteristics of the Roland synthesizer.

In the market of musical instruments has long been the leader of the company Yamaha. The synthesizers, which it produces, are small in size and, not least, small weights. All electronic keyboard Yamaha equipped with a large number of functions (for example, karaoke), which will please not only you, but also your family.

Korg company produces tools for professionals in their field. Practical synthesizers from this company can record almost everything: record, change sound, mix a melody and much more.

Casio's synthesizers are good quality for little money. This company produces children's models that have low prices, good sound and minimal functionality. In the assortment of Casio synthesizers, there will be good, semi-professional models.

How much does a synthesizer cost?

Good models for beginners cost about 300-500 USD, semi-pro - can reach 1-1.5 thousand USD, while professional synthesizers and workstations are estimated at 4-5 thousand USD. Of course, on sale you can find models of synthesizers worth up to $ 100, but the quality of such a tool will be none. When buying cheap keys, you can run into not only poor-quality plastic, the distorted sound of such instruments can spoil your hearing, not to mention your mood.

We should also consider the price of midi-keyboard. As a rule, the price for them is quite high: the simplest ones are from 150 cu, good midi keys cost as much as a good synthesizer.

What to ask the sales assistant in the first place?

We approached the answer to the most important question: how to choose the right synthesizer? Before you go shopping, browse the lineup of models on the Internet. Decide what exactly you want. Write down on the leaflet the basic models that you like, or at least the technical characteristics of the instrument that are important to you.

First of all, inspect all the synthesizers in the store and choose your favorite models. Ask the seller to turn them on and demonstrate sound. Listen to the sound of several effects, turn on the auto accompaniment mode. In principle, everything suits you, but does the sound of the flute sound somehow wrong? About this has already been said - it is not worth taking.

Pay attention to the appearance of the tool. If the body is large and bulky, if the control system looks more like a “flash”, then such a purchase is unlikely to please you. When the instrument is annoying with its interface, then it seems that it doesn’t sound very much.

When buying, check the availability of the power supply. Sometimes you need to buy it separately (it costs about 30-60 dollars). It is advisable to immediately buy a case or case to the keys. Consider purchasing a stand (if necessary) and a sustain pedal (a pedal that allows you to hold sounds without holding hands).

Be sure to check the correctness of filling out the warranty card (the date of purchase and the seller’s signature on the coupon, the shop’s stamp on the ticket and on the check). This is especially important when buying expensive tools. The usual warranty period for electronic musical instruments is 1 year. Shop for a fee may offer additional warranty service beyond the manufacturer's warranty. Deciding whether to buy this service or not is up to you. Synthesizers break extremely rarely, and factory (factory) defects, if any, are found at the very beginning of use.

Watch the video: Choosing Your First Hardware Synthesizer for Under $1000 (March 2025).

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