Triumph, have fun, Angels in the sky ... notes and lyrics of two more Christmas carols

Christmas is one of the most beloved holidays in Russia. A long time ago, there was a tradition in the days of the celebration of this joy-filled holiday to congratulate each other with singing Christmas carols.

Carols are the most different: some retell the Gospel events of the night to us, in which the Savior descended to the earth to the people, others scattered with the genuine joy of the national holiday, others and quite comic ones.

Only a few days are left before the holiday, and we will continue to prepare for it together with you. Today I have prepared two more Christmas carols for you: "Celebrate, have fun" and "Angels sing a song in the sky".

As always, in the attached file you will find the text and notes of both these carols. The file you need - Christmas carols

Already several times I wrote about how and how to open such a file. This is a pdf format and in order for it to open, you need to have a free Adobe Reader program installed on your computer.

If the first link did not work - here's a spare one: download the file with notes and texts of the carols "Triumph, have fun" and "Angels in the sky" from the "people" - Christmas carols.pdf

I hope that everything has happened safely, you have the notes and the text, now is the time to listen to one of the carols in order to understand how to perform it. I found a cool video: the carol is played with a guitar, you can hear someone sing along behind the scenes. The recording is just awesome!

By the way, listen to one more carol from this series - "The night is quiet over Palestine" - I also laid out the notes of this Christmas spiritual verse, they lie here.

Carol "Night is silent over Palestine"

In addition to what has already been named, the site has long been lined with the text (+ notes, of course) of the Ukrainian Good Toby Evening carol - to you here.

Well, now you are sure that you will not be left without such carols for Christmas. I wish you to meet this great celebration with dignity. All the best! Many years!

Watch the video: Hark the herald angels sing (March 2025).

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