The color of music. Classical music for children.

Color music

The power of art is so great that it can lift the patient out of bed. Suffice it to recall the story of the great O. Henry, where a persistent grape leaf painted on the wall brought the sick girl back to life. And how many such examples can life itself lead? Hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands? In the age of hyperactive children and not less active parents, when the relationship between the first and second often require the intervention of an experienced psychologist, art treatment becomes more and more relevant, and just joint drawing or modeling helps to get to know each other more.

Hear the world

They say that many composers literally see music - color, saturation, warmth. Sharing vision, hearing, smell and touch is stupid, because man is created as a single, harmonious instrument. The world around us is filled with sounds that carry a certain cell of information - the buzz of a bee is always associated with a warm season, and a car's horn is a danger. The sound has its own image, which can be expressed on paper or shaped into clay.

You can do anything to music: draw, sculpt, compose fairy tales, but most parents make a big mistake without paying attention to the sounds that the baby hears. The favorite song of the mother or father is not always suitable for practicing with the child, because often we attach much more meaning to the words than the beauty of the melody. Classical music for children becomes an excellent simulator, developing imagination, imagination and the ability to carefully listen to the world around us.

Why just classic?

It is quite simple to answer the question: none of the musical trends, whether it be jazz, funk or pop music, carries such a wealth of melodies, moods, and nature itself, after all. Classical music for children of large cities becomes a kind of bridge that acquaints them with the sounds of nature, because in the sound of the flute you can hear the voice of birds, and the uterine sound of a double bass is very similar to a bear roar.

There is a huge number of works written specifically for children. These melodies perfectly affect the inner world of the little man. It has long been known that even domestic animals begin to grow faster under the influence of classical music, but what about people with their imaginative thinking? But it is precisely figurativeness and fantasy that, first of all, classical music develops.

Color music

Every parent believes that his child is gifted and talented. But most moms and dads forget that talent cutting requires regular training. Try to offer your child to draw music, for such an occupation does not need a professional psychologist - just a box of watercolors or gouaches, and, of course, music. Images that children put on paper can tell a lot about themselves and often become a real shock for parents - they are so rich and wise.

Classical music for children is a magical world that can come to life in reality thanks to paints or a piece of clay. By the way, for conducting music and applied activities with children, it is best to use clay, because it has a completely natural origin and is endowed with a certain energy. For parents, such an activity can be a good way not only to understand your child more, but also to reveal your own subconscious.

Live sound

Modern technologies make it possible to hold a music and applied activity in any room, because any computer or even a telephone can play music. But there is one "but." The sound is a vibration, and the vibration that occurs at the moment when the bow slides along the strings is significantly different from the one that appears in the columns. The instrument, as part of the once-living tree, has its own voice, and the vibrations of the strings and the wooden body penetrate into the most remote corners of consciousness. Classical music for children, performed by a small, but still “live” group, brings much more benefit in the classroom than sounds extracted by electric impulses.

Watch the video: Classical Music for Kids Mozart for Kids Relaxing Music for Children in Classroom (March 2025).

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