Music with mom

Music with mom: play at home

Music games are a great and very useful way to spend your time at home. We offer you a curious game for the development of musical hearing in children - "How the rainbow sounds." It is intended for children aged 5-7 years. This game will help teach the child to distinguish sounds in height, as well as work out his memory well.

To play you will need:

  • 7 transparent glass vessels: a bottle, a glass, 3 glasses and 2 glasses of different size;
  • metal spoon;
  • water;
  • food colors or watercolor paints.

The course of the game:

Ask your baby to gently tap on all vessels with a spoon. Ask him if all the sounds are the same and how he thinks, why? Sounds, of course, will be different, the baby will notice and answer the question. If difficulties arise, help him - all the vessels are different, therefore the sound is different.

After that, ask the baby to pour water into each vessel. The water level everywhere should be the same. And again: ask the child to knock with a spoon and listen to the resulting sounds. Your next question: did the sounds change or remain the same? Of course, they became different, they were influenced by water.

The next task will be to arrange all the vessels in size, from the largest to the smallest, and play again on them. Let the baby create music with his mother together: take a spoon in your hands and play on the glasses.

Now invite the child to name the colors of the rainbow, what are they? Let your baby remember the famous phrase: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting” and add the desired color to each vessel: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. ”And at the same time you can come up with several new ones phrases that encode the colors of the seven colors of the rainbow. And you can learn a few ready-made options, for example:

"A mole, a sheep, a giraffe, a hare stroked old sweatshirts"

"How once Jacques-ringer hit the lantern with his head"

After learning the phrases, try accompanying each word with a sound - calling the kid must strike the glass with the desired color of water with a spoon. Since the glasses are arranged in order, difficulties will not arise ... Subsequently, when the child firmly mastered the principle of the game, the glasses can be swapped.

Well, the sound of a rainbow will be a worthy conclusion to this musical experiment - let your little one make a real glissando. And for this you just need to quickly hold a spoon in all vessels without stopping. Such music with your mother next to you will certainly bring to your child of the sea of ​​emotions and rainbow mood!

Watch the video: Meghan Trainor ft. Kelli Trainor - Mom Lyrics (March 2025).

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