Russian folk instruments: symbolism, classification, history in names.

In the musical culture of our country Russian folk instruments occupy a special place.

They are distinguished by timbre diversity and expressiveness: here there is a fluffy sadness, and dance balalaic melodies, and noisy fun of spoons and rattles, and the meager piercing of the jelly, and, of course, the richest bayan palette that absorbs all the nuances of the musical portrait of the Russian people.

On the issue of classification

The basis of the well-known classification, developed in the early twentieth century by K. Sachs and E. Hornbostel, is the source of sound and the method of sound extraction. According to this system, it can be divided into four groups and Russian folk instruments:

  1. idiophones (self-sounding): almost all drums are rattles, ruble, spoons, firewood (a kind of xylophone);
  2. membranophones (sound source - tensioned membrane): tambourine, gusac;
  3. chordophones (strings): domra, balalaika, harp, seven-string guitar;
  4. airphones (wind instruments and other instruments, where the source of sound is an air pole): horn, pipe, sniffles, pyzhatka, pipe, zaleika, Kugikly (kovikly); this also includes free aerophones - harmonica and button accordion.

How was it at first?

Many nameless musicians entertained people at fairs, folk festivals, weddings in ancient times. The skill of the guslar was attributed to such chronicle and epic characters as Boyan, Sadko, Solovey Budimirovich (Sadko and Solovey Budimirovich are the heroes of the Novgorod epic), Dobrynya Nikitich (the hero-hero of the Kiev epics). An indispensable attribute of the Russian folk instruments were in the buffoons, which were accompanied by the Swirians, guslars, and tale men.

In the XIX century, there are first manuals on learning to play folk instruments. Virtuoso performers are becoming popular: I.E. Handoshkin, N.V. Lavrov, V.I. Radivilov, B.S. Troyanovsky, accordionists Ya.F. Orlansky-Titarenko, P.E. Nevsky.

There were folk instruments, became - orchestral!

By the end of the 19th century, the idea of ​​creating (on the model of a symphonic) orchestra of Russian folk instruments had already taken shape. It all began in 1888 with the "Balalaika Fans Mug", organized by the brilliant balalaika Vasily Vasilyevich Andreyev. Instruments of different sizes and timbres were specially made for the ensemble. On the basis of this group, supplemented by gusli and a group of domras, in 1896 the first full-fledged Great Russian orchestra was created.

Others followed him. In 1919, already in Soviet Russia, B.S. Troyanovsky and PI Alekseev created the future Osipov Orchestra.

The instrumental composition also varied and gradually expanded. Now the orchestra of Russian instruments includes a group of balalaikas, a group of domras, button accordions, gusli, percussion, and brass (sometimes they include close to the folk oboe, flute and clarinet, and sometimes other instruments of the classical symphonic orchestra).

The repertoire of an orchestra of folk instruments is usually composed of Russian folk melodies, works written especially for such an orchestra, as well as arrangements of classical works. From the folk melodies, the people “Shines the month” very much love. Listen and you! Here is:

Nowadays, music is becoming more non-national, but in Russia there is still an interest in folk music and Russian instruments, performing traditions are being maintained and developed.

For dessert, today we have prepared another musical gift for you - the famous hit of the Beatles performed by, as you may have guessed, of course, the orchestra of Russian folk instruments.

To rest after the dessert, too, a gift is stored up - for those who are curious and who love to solve crossword puzzles - Crossword on "Russian folk musical instruments"

Author - Svetlana Subbotina

Watch the video: Jim Eckles' Interview (March 2025).

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