P.I. Tchaikovsky Concerto for piano and orchestra No. 1: history, video, content

P.I. Tchaikovsky Concerto for piano and orchestra number 1

The first concert for piano and orchestra by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky opened a new era in Russian piano music. This is the first example of a similar genre in the national culture. It is not by chance that researchers note that the work of Tchaikovsky significantly exceeds everything written before him in its meaning.

History of creation

Practically all the summer of 1874, the composer was busy composing his opera "The Blacksmith Vakula", successfully completing it in August of this year. At the same time, thoughts of writing a piano concerto using Ukrainian folk themes begin to prevail. He mentioned in his letters to Modest Tchaikovsky about his intentions, pointing out also that the composition of this work comes with difficulty. Despite this, the concert was written fairly quickly and already in December 1874 the score was ready, but only arranged for two pianos. It was orchestrated in February 1875.

Unfortunately, not all friends immediately appreciated the new composition of the composer. N. Rubinstein, for whom Tchaikovsky created his work, criticized the score, noting that he did not find anything positive in it from the technical and artistic side. This very much hurt the author and caused the disagreement between the musicians. The maestro strictly stated that there would be nothing to change in the score. Three years later, Pyotr Ilyich told in one of the letters to F. von Meck.

G. von Bülow, to whom Tchaikovsky ultimately dedicated his concert, was an ardent admirer of his work. The pianist first performed the piece in Boston on October 25, 1875. Some time later, the Russian public was able to get acquainted with Tchaikovsky's masterpiece thanks to G. Cross, who performed the concert in St. Petersburg. The orchestra was conducted by E. Napravnik. Peter Ilyich was present in the hall as a spectator. But the composer did not like the performance and he was extremely dissatisfied. On November 31, 1875, novice pianist S. Taneyev gave a first concert in front of the Moscow public. The orchestra was conducted by N. Rubinstein, who had previously refused to perform it. This premiere was more successful and the audience warmly welcomed the work of the composer. Tchaikovsky was very pleased with this performance.

N. Rubinstein was able to make sure that he was mistaken about the work and only a few days after the premiere he included it in his repertoire. So, since 1878, he successfully presented it in different cities of the country. In 1879 in Paris, Nikolai Grigorievich created a real sensation at all, brilliantly performing the work of Tchaikovsky.

Three editions of the concert

Tchaikovsky's first concert exists in three different editions. Part of the reason for their appearance was due to the underestimation of the innovative techniques of the composer, when writing the work. The second edition of the concert was made by Tchaikovsky himself. However, this version, like the first, for some reason did not take root. After a while, the third edition appeared, which arose after the composer's death. It is believed that it belongs to pianist A. Siloti. Heavy chords, opening the concert, were replaced by a softer arpeggio. In the final, a bill was made at all, and the tempos were changed in parts. It is curious that it was Siloti who was considered one of the best performers of the First Concert in the 80-90s. He even personally asked the composer to make some changes, for example, to shorten the final. But Tchaikovsky was not sure about the need for bills and eventually gave the score to the press without any significant cuts and corrections. All the "transformations" began only after the death of the author. It is the new edition that has received the greatest distribution and fame.

Pianist Andrei Khoteev in 1998, together with the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra. Tchaikovsky performed and recorded on the disc all the works of Peter Ilyich for piano and orchestra. In this case, the essays were presented in the author's edition. This recording created a sensation and became the starting point after which the original versions of the concert, made by the author themselves, returned again. A little earlier, pianist Jerome Lowenthal also decided to apply to the author’s editorial board (1989), recording it on a disk together with the London Symphony Orchestra.

Interesting Facts

  • It is noteworthy that the original concert was written specifically for performance by N. G. Rubinstein. However, he called the score rather complicated and refused it. In this regard, Tchaikovsky was forced to correct the dedication. First, he indicated the name of his pupil S. Taneyev. But then he changed his mind and inscribed the German pianist and student of the famous F. Liszt, G. von Bülow. The researchers note that the reason for Rubinstein’s refusal is likely to be in the innovation of the work, and not the complexity of the score.
  • Having met negative reviews about his concert, Tchaikovsky turned to his colleague Karl Klindworth for advice. He advised him to pay attention to the German pianist G. von Bülow.
  • After the successful premiere of the Concert in St. Petersburg, Tchaikovsky, being impressed, hurried to correct the dedication and entered the name of S. Taneyev. But after carefully reflecting, he crossed it out and put the initials of the first performer, G. von Bülow.
  • The first concert is still included in the compulsory program of the final of the International Competitions. Tchaikovsky (since 1958).
  • In total there are three editions of the First concert, but the most popular was the last one, which was made after the composer's death. The author's edition was performed at the end of the 20th century only by pianist Lazar Berman together with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Y. Temirkanov.
  • During the tour abroad, Tchaikovsky had to perform the First Concert (the composer acted as a conductor), he was so much loved by the public. Even at the opening of Carnegie Hall in New York, this work was presented under the baton of Pyotr Ilyich.
  • It is curious that this composition sounded at the last concert of Tchaikovsky, where he managed the orchestra. The piano part was performed by the American pianist Aus der Oe. In addition to the First Concert, the program presented its Sixth Symphony. The researchers note that in this way the composer bade not only the Russian public, but also all his contemporaries.

  • S. Taneyev called the composition the first Russian concert, which fully corresponds to reality.
  • It is curious that Cui and Laroche, after their first acquaintance with the Concert, wrote almost devastating reviews. Only after the performance of the work by N. Rubinstein did they radically change their opinion. After a while, critics sent rave reviews to the composer.
  • Tchaikovsky was not a virtuoso pianist, so when writing a concert he consulted P.Pabst on technical details.
  • The well-known pianist Andrei Gavrilov suggested that you would not meet a person in the whole world who does not know the initial theme of the Concert. This motive is deservedly called the emblem of the composer.


The musical part of the concert is based on Ukrainian folk melodies, as a composer intended from the very beginning. The first part opens with a brilliant theme introduction. It is not like anything special, expressing triumph and power in a dazzling glow. It can be called by right the hymn of life. The main part is based on the folk song of the lyre (song to the accompaniment of the lyre). This is not a direct quote, Tchaikovsky used only a part of the tune. The original is based on mournful intonations, but here the topic becomes scherzo. The first part is the most important and determines the nature of the entire cycle.

The second part is completely different. In it, the composer tried to combine the traditional slow movement and the scherzo (later this technique was used by other composers). In this part, Tchaikovsky used the French folk song, a beautiful and smooth initial melody built on folk intonations. According to Modest Petrovich, they often sang it in childhood.

The finale of the concert is unusually bright, it always attracted the special attention of the public. Here the composer used the Ukrainian round dance song "Come Out, Come Out, Ivanka". Even Bülow noted in his letters that at concerts the public demanded to repeat the performance of the final. Tchaikovsky treats the form of the third part in an original way using the rondo sonata. At the end there is a solemn code, built on separate motifs, sounding earlier.

Researchers note the closeness of the concert to the symphony. You really can’t argue with this, because it is endowed with all the features of the sonata-symphonic cycle - it is a multifaceted concept, the principle of contrast, developed forms, bright and individual themes.

The first concert had a huge impact on the work of other composers, as well as on the development of all piano music. Currently, this work is one of the most popular works of Tchaikovsky in the world. It is included in the repertoire of many famous pianists, and is also an obligatory piece in international performances competitions. Everything is beautiful in it, festive and brilliant themes are wonderfully interwoven with lyrical, thoughtful. Each of them, like a precious stone, sparkles with a multitude of facets, elaborately crafted by a brilliant master.

Watch the video: Anson Ka Lik Sin- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto (March 2025).

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