What does the drum set consist of? Note for beginners drummers.

Each musician should be with his instrument on "you". Drummers are no exception. To be a professional, of course, you need to know what the drum set consists of.

The composition and appearance of the drum set changed and developed over more than 120 years.

Let's see what a classic drum kit looks like today. Its main components are cymbals and drums.

Skeet Head ...

The variety of plates is very large - there are hundreds of types of plates. They differ in diameter, alloy, shape and other parameters. The main classification of plates includes the following types:

  • Hi-hat Double plate mounted on one rod. Often, the main rhythm is conducted with the help of a het. Hat is mounted on a special stand, equipped with a pedal. As a rule, the duration of the hi-hat sound is regulated by the left foot.
  • Crash A dish that gives a powerful, rich sound. It is used both for the leading line, and for emphasis.
  • Ride. It has a sonorous and dry sound. Compared to other cymbals, as a rule, it has less sustain (sound duration).
  • Splash. The plate of small diameter, giving a juicy, sharp sound.
  • China (tea). The plate is curved. It has a loud and harsh sound.

What drums are included in the drum set?

Reels include:

  • Bassdrum (bass drum, "barrel"). For the game, a pedal with a beater attached to the drum is used. It gives a powerful, dense sound, which, as a rule, is the basis of the party.
  • Snaredrum (snare drum, snare drum). One of the main elements that make up the drum set. It has a ringing, slightly "rattling" sound.
  • Tom-tom (tom-tom). These are suspended or outdoor drums. The sound of tom volumes depends on the size. As a rule, the larger the size, the lower the drum sound.

What a drum set consists of, each drummer determines himself. Options may vary depending on the musical style and technique of the game. The minimum kit for a drum set is a bass drum, snare drum, hi-hat.

Additional elements of the drum set

Of course, the drum set consists not only of cymbals and volumes. Support equipment perform racks and mounts. In addition, some drummers use extra cowbell and other percussion elements: xylophones, gongs, tambourines etc.

There are also many other interesting elements that are not part of the classical drum set. As a rule, these are ethnic instruments - bongos, shakers, tabla and others. Well and, perhaps, without which the drummer cannot do without it, it’s drum sticks!

Installation success

As you can see, the main equipment of the drum set is not so great. Drummers have the opportunity to choose different options for picking. It is possible to purchase a ready-made installation, or a prefab option - for example, the purchase of the tools you like from different manufacturers for one set.

Of course, much depends on the configuration of your drum set. The quality of the sound being extracted, the possibilities, the variety of sounds. However, from whatever your drum set, you will not be able to achieve serious success in your business without constant and persistent training. Being a drummer is a serious work, and do not forget about the constant growth and development.

Watch the video: How To Read DRUM Music - Part 1 of 3 Free Video Drum Lesson Drum Notation (March 2025).

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