Operetta "Maritsa": content, video, interesting facts, history

I. Kalman Operetta "Maritsa"

Incendiary operetta Imre Kalman "Maritsa" is considered the most "Hungarian" product of the author. It is full of national dances, melodies, characteristic types. Seeing the light in 1924 on the stage of the theater An der Wien, the operetta was a huge success. Her gypsy-Hungarian romance and brightness did not leave anyone indifferent. The work began to be called the standard of the new Hungarian operetta. "Maritza" - this is just a few love stories with intrigue, unusual outcomes, subtle humor. Many scenes are held with the participation of children and the choir.

Summary of the Kalman Operetta "Maritsa"and many interesting facts about this work read on our page.




Maritsasopranoyoung widowed countess
Tasillotenorthe ruined count, managing in his former estate
Lizasopranosister tasillo
Koloman ZupantenorBaron of Varazdin
Moritz Dragomir PopulescubaritonePrince Maritza fan
Karl Stefan Lienbergbassfriend Tosillo
BozenacontraltoAunt Lisa and Tasillo
Cecco and Penizhekservants

Summary of Maritz

Young Earl Tasillo Andrödi-Wittemburg went bankrupt and was forced to sell his family estate. In order to provide his sister with dowries and successfully marry, he had to work as a manager in his former possession. His castle with land was bought by a young beauty Maritsa, tired of her fans and fleeing to the province from the lies and pretenses of life in the capital.

Wanting to stop the emergence of new admirers, a rich widow announces that she has a groom. The name of her betrothed, she called by chance, taking with some posters. However, Baron Zupan turned out to be a very real person and arrived at the estate to demand the hand of his bride. Having become acquainted with his sister Tasillio Lisei, the young baron begins to feel sympathy for her.

Mutual interest arises between Maritsa and her manager, who at the beginning of their acquaintance was expressed in reproaches and insults. Later, the young people got close, but Maritsa considered him a simple manager and did not dare to do anything more than innocent flirting. Soon the truth opens, but fearing that he is another dowry hunter, the girl pushes him away and drives off her lover.

Lisa, the sister of the count, talks about what is really happening, Maritsa changes her point of view and reconciles with her beloved. At the same time two more loving hearts unite: Lisa and Baron Zupan. The final of the operetta - in love couples enjoy happiness.

Duration of performance
I ActAct II
65 min.95 min.

A photo:

Interesting Facts

  • At rehearsals before the premiere of "Maritsa" Hubert Mariska, being Kalman's friend and performer of most of the leading parties in his works, starting from the 20s, made changes with which Kalman agreed. The author originally planned the opening chorus.
  • The composer did not invent the name of Varaždin, he wanted to use the name of the locality in the north-west of Croatia, the motherland’s homeland.
  • After the premiere of "Maritza" Kalman became rich. He bought a Cadillac (first in Vienna) and moved to the most fashionable district of the city, hiring a large staff of servants.

  • The success of "Maritsa" did not bring special satisfaction to the author, despite the high fees and fame. His wife, Paula, who was 10 years older than him and directed all the actions of the creative, ever-doubting Kalman with a strong hand, became seriously ill and soon died. In Vienna, on the grave of Paula is her sculpture in full size.
  • The prototype of Maritsa was the muse and mistress of the composer Agnes Esterhazy, with whom, according to one version, the first spouse brought him together after a serious illness struck her. Her last will was the wish of Agnieszka and Imre of joint children.
  • At the beginning of the war in September 1941, Maritsa was staged in Russia at the Leningrad Theater of Musical Comedy.
  • During the war, just before the victory, the Maritsa was held on Broadway with great success. At this time, Kalman and his family lived in America, fleeing from fascist persecution. A month after the production, Kalman suffered a heart attack. He received news that his sisters, who remained in Hungary, died in a concentration camp. The first words of the composer, when he came to himself, were: "They paid for Maritza!".
  • One of Kalman’s daughters was Yvona Silva Maritsa.
  • Interestingly, the costumes of extras and the main characters have a certain color range in which the colors of the Hungarian flag prevail.

Popular arias and numbers from the operetta Maritsa

Output aria Maritsa (listen)

Duet of Zupan and Maritsa (listen)

Hungarian dance (listen)

Gypsy dance (listen)

Chardash Tassillo (listen)

The history of the creation of "Maritz"

In 1918, Kalman and his wife Paola acquired the citizenship of the Hungarian Republic and received from the Austrian authorities the status of foreign nationals residing in Vienna. During the war, the beginning playwrights Brammer and Grünwald show the libretto and the first act of the play to the composer.

Kalman begins work on the operetta with pleasure, because it contains not only an attractive plot, but also Hungarian ones dear to the heart. However, the composer postpones Maritsa for some time and begins to work on Hollanda, together with playwrights Ienbach and Steiman.

Then the "Bayadere", which was set by Karl-theater, is born, and only after its premiere does Kalman return to the "Maritza" again. In total, the composer created Maritsa for six years, periodically postponing and returning to work.


For the first time "Maritsa" set in Vienna. The premiere took place on February 28, 1924 with the performer of the main part, Hubert Marishka. Many times she was shown in Hungary. The work was very popular with the Hungarians due to the presence of national motives. There is an English translation. Operetta was shown in London and New York.

In Russia, operetta has been staged since the 1920s, almost immediately after its creation (one year later). The first to see her were people of Leningrad on the stage of the Ksendzovsky and Feon enterprises. Maritsa was played by Olga Schigoleva. Later, the operetta was shown in both capitals and most regional cities.

Based on the works were filmed cinema tapes. German filmmakers have done this three times: in 1932, 1958 and in 1974. Russian director A. Belinsky in 1985 also shot "Maritsa". The main role was played by N. Andreichenko.

Watch the video: Arias and duets in the operettas of Strauss, Lehar, Donizetti and Puccini (March 2025).

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